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LIFE+ ZELDA Second Management Meeting

On 21st April 2015 it was held the second management meeting with all the partners in Abengoa Water in Sevilla (Spain). This meeting coincides with first half of the project, a good moment to review the advances in the project. Project is being executed successfully and all the initial objectives outlined are being achieved. The most critical issue during the first half of the project has been the design and construction of the EDM-ZLD pilot plant. The EDM-ZLD pilot plant will be installed in Almeria desalination plant next may and it is expected to be in operation from June 2015 until the end of the project. During its operation, besides brine produced in Almeria, several brines coming from brackish water desalination plants, such El Atabal, will be treated with the new system. Be aware of the website and tweeter to know how pilot plant is working!